Pregnancy Miracle-At Age-43

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Fertility To Infertility - The Basic Reason Study For Your Infertility Problems .

While some people have no trouble conceiving at all, there are many couples from around the globe who find it difficult to have a baby. You may think that fate has a lot to do with it, but you must know that infertility problems can be due to a number of factors, which can be medical, biological or even environmental in nature.

If you and your partner are having difficulties conceiving, it is not because you are being cursed. Consider having the sperm count of your partner evaluated. A low sperm count can reduce your chances of conceiving because the sperm is necessary for the egg to be fertilized. Have your partner undergo tests to determine the presence of Variocele, too. Variocele is a condition wherein the sperm cells are abnormally shaped, being so they are not in a capacity to fertilize the egg.

Exposure to toxic chemicals and radiation, as well as taking too much alcohol and tobacco, also puts your male partner at risk for infertility problems. You see these toxins can be very potent, so much so that they can kill the sperm cells, and you know that without these sperm cells, there can be no conception.

Abnormalities in ovulation, cervical conditions and STDs may also predispose women to infertility problems.

Of course, you must not forget that age, too, is a very significant factor to consider. The more advanced in years you and your partner are, the bigger is the possibility that you will not be able to conceive anymore. The functions of the reproductive organs are significantly reduced with age, the reason why women in their 40s find it more difficult to conceive than women in their teens and early 20s.

You should not be ashamed to consult a specialist if you are having infertility problems because there are treatments available.