It’s your first baby and you have already decided that you want a baby girl because you want the baby to be just like you. She’ll play with Barbie dolls; have long hair tied with a bow just like you when you were young. But how do you know it is a baby girl? The traditional methods to predict that it is a baby girl is by hanging a needle with the help of a thread above your belly, and if it moves from one side to the other it means you are expecting a baby girl. Most of the times the predictions were right.
Times have changed. We no more believe in the traditional methods. So if you want to know some of the scientific tips suggested by experts to predict the gender of the baby sitting at home, here are some of them.
For example, if you are carrying extra weight around your hips and bottom, hair on your legs is not growing faster during your pregnancy, if your feet are not colder than they were before pregnancy, father-to-be doesn’t seem to gain weight along with mother-to-be, if don’t have morning sickness etc then there are chances of you carrying a baby girl. Some of the other symptoms are that you may not look good during your pregnancy if you are carrying a baby girl as girls take away the mother’s beauty, chest development is not too dramatic, urine is dull in color, you crave more for sweet food or fruits, the shape of your nose has not changed, you love to have orange juice again and again, heart beat of the baby is 140 beats and above per minute, etc. are some of the symptoms which show the chances of you carrying a baby girl.
Times have changed. We no more believe in the traditional methods. So if you want to know some of the scientific tips suggested by experts to predict the gender of the baby sitting at home, here are some of them.
For example, if you are carrying extra weight around your hips and bottom, hair on your legs is not growing faster during your pregnancy, if your feet are not colder than they were before pregnancy, father-to-be doesn’t seem to gain weight along with mother-to-be, if don’t have morning sickness etc then there are chances of you carrying a baby girl. Some of the other symptoms are that you may not look good during your pregnancy if you are carrying a baby girl as girls take away the mother’s beauty, chest development is not too dramatic, urine is dull in color, you crave more for sweet food or fruits, the shape of your nose has not changed, you love to have orange juice again and again, heart beat of the baby is 140 beats and above per minute, etc. are some of the symptoms which show the chances of you carrying a baby girl.