Pregnancy Miracle-At Age-43

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What To Do And What Not To Do For The Pregnant Woman

These questions always raise in the minds of the parents especially the mother about what to do and what not to do for the baby inside her to be safe. The mother is the one is to take utmost care of her which in turn will result in the good health of her baby. She has to avoid certain food stuffs to take care of the baby. But there are lots of other precautions to be taken during pregnancy.

Some of such precautions are, before taking any medication consult your doctor as some medicines or herbs with multiple ingredients are likely to harm your baby. Avoid saunas or hot tubs that maintain temperature greater than your body as it may cause over heating and may affect the development of the baby. Do not expose yourself to chemicals. Do not sit in front of the computer screen for long. Keep your blood sugar under control otherwise you may be prone to Gestational diabetes which only occurs during pregnancy. The changes in your body during pregnancy can give a rise to your blood sugar levels which can cause problems to you and your baby. Your baby can face problems like premature birth, jaundice, low blood sugar, etc. The mother can face problems like high blood pressure, chances of cesarean delivery, bladder or kidney infection, etc. Avoid smoking and the smoking areas as it can affect the growth of your child. Smoking can further give problems to the mother while feeding the baby. Eat fruits and vegetables only after washing them. Do not lift any heavy object. It is advisable to exercise regularly. Consult your doctor in order to know which exercises are to be done and at what time.

Thus these are some useful tips suggested by the medical experts and for any further issues kindly consult your doctor.

Reason For Morning Sickness at The Time of Pregnancy

Finding it tough to wake up in the morning during pregnancy? Feels like everything is moving round and round when you get out of your bed? Don’t feel like eating anything? These are the signs of morning sickness. Morning sickness can also be called Nausea or vomiting sensation in the morning or throughout the day. During the first half of the pregnancy i.e. the first three months, nausea or vomiting in the morning is very common. It can also happen throughout the day. For most women, the nausea stops after the first three months and for some it continues till five months of pregnancy.

But what are the causes of morning sickness? What are the reasons behind it? None of the doctors or any medical experts have been able to find out the actual cause of the morning nausea. They believe it occurs due to hormonal changes or due to imbalance in the blood sugar. Many doctors also believe that morning sickness is more common amongst the women who are carrying twins or triplets. Morning sickness is also one of the sign of the mother carrying a baby boy.

Is morning sickness dangerous? It is not dangerous but too much vomiting can cause loss of liquid which in turn can lead to dehydration. This kind of situation is called Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Such kind of situation requires medical attention in the hospitals where the doctors can take some action to stop the loss of liquid from the body. Thus if the mother-to-be vomits three or more times in a day she should visit the doctor immediately.

Necessary Precautions Must be taken During Pregnancy To Avoid Serious Birth Defects

When a lady conceives, she is promoted from being a lady to a mother. A new life is developing inside her body. In such cases the mother-to-be should be very careful with what she eats, whatever she does so that the baby is safe and sound. Thus these are some necessary precautions which should be taken by the mother in order to take care of the developing baby inside her body.

The most crucial stage of pregnancy is the first three to four months. During this stage all the organs of the baby’s body are developing. Thus there are some food stuffs which the mother to be needs to avoid in order to avoid any pregnancy problems. For example, fish or sea food are an important past of our healthy diet as it has low fat sources but it is advisable to avoid fish or seafood during pregnancy as some of the seafood types may contain high level of mercury. Thus is advisable not to eat more than 12 ounces of cooked fish a week. Also minimize the intake of processed food items and only drink pasteurized milk. Some scientists believe caffeine can cause premature or smaller than normal babies or possible birth defects. Thus you have to minimize the intake of caffeine.

Alcohol is also strictly denied for a pregnant lady. The reason to avoid alcohol is because it may cause Fatal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). Babies born with FAS may either grow slowly; they might face learning problems or also abnormal facial features. Similarly smoking is also restricted for pregnant ladies because if a pregnant lady smokes she gives birth to a child with less weight which can lead to problems like breathing problems, or some infections to the baby in the future.

These are some of the measures which should be taken by the mother during pregnancy to avoid any serious birth defects.

Natural Remedies To Avoid Morning Sickness

Fed up of the morning sickness due to pregnancy daily when you get out of your bed? Here are some useful tips suggested by the experts to avoid morning sickness. For example, take some time to get out from your bed. Also if you are feeling really sick, eat a little as soon as you wake up like two biscuits which will not make you feel dizzy.

Here are some more tips to be used throughout the day to avoid sickness. First of all eat little and often, may be after every two to three hours even if you are not hungry. Make sure you in take a lot of liquids like 10 to 12 glasses of water or some juice. Spicy or fatty food stuffs are to be strictly avoided during pregnancy. It is advisable to take ginger tea or ginger tablets as it helps avoid nausea as well. Avoid sudden movements. Don’t brush your teeth immediately after you eat as it may cause vomiting. Avoid the intake of alcohol or caffeine and also avoid smoking. Even at night before you go to bed take a small snack and keep the windows open while you sleep for fresh air.

When should you consult the doctor? If none of the above remedies seem to work or if you lose weight, if your vomiting contains blood and you lose more liquid, it is advisable to visit the doctor in such cases. The doctor will suggest a urine test and accordingly prescribe some anti-sickness tablets.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Pregnant Woman’s Guide to Organic Products

To be pregnant is such a thrill! You must welcome the idea with eager anticipation. A life growing inside of you is indeed a blessing, a great miracle.

You must know, however, that pregnancy can be very challenging. There are many dos and don’ts that you have to be aware of. You need to be very particular not just with the food you eat, but with the skin care products that you use. You see, quite a lot of the moisturizers, lotions, creams, shampoos, and other skin care products that you use contain carcinogens and other toxic ingredients that may affect your unborn baby. Even the FDA and other health organizations agree with this.

Don’t worry, though, because when there’s a problem, there’s always a solution. In this case, there are skin care products made of organic or all natural ingredients. Manufacturers of organic skin care products know the concerns of every pregnant woman --- stretch marks, sagging skin, and so on. Thus, they have created a line of beauty products that help to reduce stretch marks, tone the skin and make it glow. There are even organic products that are made especially for babies.

Yes, organic stretch mark creams and lotions are available and they are made of 100% botanical ingredients. For sagging skin, there are body toning oils composed of natural ingredients like avocado, pomegranate, and jojoba oils, to name a few. These ingredients are believed to aid in the production of collagen, enabling the skin to retain its elasticity.

There are also organic shampoos, soaps, and body washes for you for your baby. Since they are organic, you can be sure that they are free of harsh chemicals that dry or irritate your baby’s ultra sensitive skin.

Organic products are available in your local food store. You can also search for organic distributors in your area. It’s important to always check the labels, though; make sure it’s “certified organic”, meaning it’s 100% all natural. There are companies, you see, that manufacture products with chemical ingredients but are still rated as organic because the amount of these ingredients are only minimal. Still, it’s always best to look for something that is 100% chemical-free.

The Recommended Nutritional Supplements for Pregnant Women

Looking after your health becomes even more important when you are pregnant. You have to consider the fact that there’s another life inside of you. You can’t anymore say that you will eat just for yourself; remember you get to share what you eat with your precious little one. Thus it is essential that you eat the right foods and take in the right nutritional supplements for the good health and proper development of your baby.

Because you are pregnant, you need to take in a good amount of iron as this helps in the development of red blood plus it also aids in the growth of the placenta. Good sources of iron include meats, grains, cereals and vegetables.

The demand for calcium increases during pregnancy. This very important mineral aids in the development of the bones of the growing fetus, thus taking calcium during pregnancy should not be taken for granted. Dairy products such as cheese, milk, and yogurt, as well as tofu, spinach, and broccoli are good sources of calcium.

It’s also important for the expectant mother to take Vitamin E supplements to prevent low birth weight. Vitamin E as you must know also helps in muscle development and formation of red blood cell tissues. Be warned however that too much Vitamin E in the blood may result to stillbirth.

Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine plays a significant role in the development of your baby’s brain and nervous system. It’s also been found to reduce incidence of morning sickness. Watermelons, bananas, and chicken meat are abundant sources of Vitamin B6.

Vitamin B1 or Thiamine, which is found abundantly in whole grain foods and eggs, also helps in the development of the central nervous system. You need to take lots of Vitamin B1 to prevent beriberi which can damage the heart and lungs of your baby.

Another important B Vitamin to take during pregnancy is B9 or Folate. Folate helps in the brain development of your baby and prevents Spina Bifida, a neural tube defect wherein the spinal cord and spinal column are not completely closed. Folate can be found in large amounts in green and leafy vegetables like kale and spinach. Orange juice also contains Folate.

Don’t skimp on proteins, especially during pregnancy. Proteins are important in building the cellular structure of your baby’s body. Eat enough fish, meat, eggs, cheese and tofu to ensure that you will meet your daily requirement of proteins. Do take note that your need for protein increases during the 2nd and 3rd trimester of your pregnancy.
Last but not least of the must-take nutrients is zinc

Weight Gain During Pregnancy – Can You Control It?

It’s natural to be concerned about gaining weight when you are pregnant. Actually, this is a common occurrence since there’s a life growing inside of you, and there’s always that tendency to eat more. Indeed, you have to eat more because your baby needs to be nourished. Don’t feel bad about how you look, though, because you can control weight gain without having to starve yourself and more importantly, your baby.

If your BMI (body mass index) prior to pregnancy is normal, a healthy weight gain during pregnancy should be somewhere between 25 and 35 pounds. Don’t go beyond that, though, else you will be putting your life and your baby’s at risk. Nonetheless, if your weight gain happens to be beyond the range that’s appropriate in your case, you need to consult your doctor. Although it’s not recommended that you lose weight during pregnancy, constant monitoring and checkups are essential to ensure that you don’t gain any more weight; else you may have to deal with obesity, and you know how risky that can be.

Most likely, your doctor will advise you to avoid eating way too much. Although you may have to eat more to give your baby the necessary nutrients, don’t make the habit of overeating. Some women justify this, claiming that they have to eat for two now that there’s a growing child in their womb, but that should not be the case at all.

Also, make wise food choices and avoid eating at fast food restaurants where the foods are fattening with very little nutritional value, if ever. Avoid eating junk foods, processed foods, and sweets, like ice cream candies, and cakes.

Controlling weight during pregnancy is really all about discipline. If you want to stay healthy and look good even with the bump on your tummy, have the courage to say no to overeating and yes to all the right foods.

Some Pregnancy Aches and Pains To Expect During Pregnancy

For someone who has just been married or one who longs to have a baby, nothing can be more exciting than knowing she is pregnant. The excitement is uncontrollable, and there is that eager longing for the day when she can finally hold the baby in her arms.

In the midst of all the excitement, however, are many pregnancy aches and pains. In spite of all the wonder and beauty, pregnancy is actually a difficult time for a woman. She experiences a lot of stress, both mental and physical, during this time.

Consider, for instance, the tenderness around the belly area. This is due to the expanding uterus. Although not really a big concern during the early stage of pregnancy, the pain can be unbearable come the 20th week of the pregnancy.

There is also increased vaginal secretion during pregnancy, a condition that results to increased secretion of leucorrhea or odorless but clear/whitish discharge. As long as the color of the secretion stays clear or white, there’s nothing to be anxious about, but watch out when the discharges turn greenish-yellow and emit a foul smell. This is no longer normal and must be reported immediately to your doctor. Alert your doctor, too, when you experience soreness or pain around the vaginal area.

Hormonal changes can occur with pregnancy. The palms of your hands and the soles of your feet may turn reddish. When they do, you are said to have palmer erythyma, a normal result of hormonal changes following pregnancy. This is usually not treated because the condition normally disappears after giving birth.

Among other issues of great concern to pregnant women are skin tags. Skin tags develop when the skin rubs itself against skin or cloth.

Some women experience phylogenic granulomas --- these are tumor growths found in your gums. These are non-cancerous, so they are harmless. Just like palmer erythma, phylogenic granulomas disappear even without treatment after birth.

Carpel tunnel syndrome, a condition involving the nerves in the wrist, may also occur. To relieve yourself of this syndrome, try elevating the affected hand or put a plastic splint when going to bed at night. Generally, this disappears on its own after giving birth, but some women have to undergo surgery to correct the problem.

Hip soreness is another discomfort often felt by pregnant women. This results because hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy cause the ligaments to stretch and the cartilage to soften up. To alleviate the problem, change your sleeping position often.

Stretch Marks during Pregnancy – How to Prevent Them

Among the greatest concerns of most pregnant woman are stretch marks. These are unsightly lines that develop on the hips and abdomen during the latter part of pregnancy. You see, the abdomen has to normally stretch in order to accommodate the baby; unfortunately, the skin’s lower layers are not elastic enough, so they break easily, the reason why you have stretch marks.

Fortunately, there are things one can do to prevent the occurrence of stretch marks. Considering that the reason why stretch marks develop is because of the lack of elasticity of the skin, treatment options are targeted towards increasing the skin’s elasticity. The first thing you will have to do then is to make wise food choices. Go for foods that are rich in Vitamins E, C, B2 and B3, zinc and silica as these improve the skin’s elasticity, making it more able to withstand the growing baby without braking.

You also need to drink lots of water. As you must know, your skin becomes dry and itchy and more easily irritated because of stretch marks, so it’s only appropriate that you nourish your skin with pure water, vegetable juice and herbal teas; as much as possible, stay away from drinks that contain lots of sugar because they will only increase cellulite.

Keeping the stretch mark-prone area of your body moisturized at least twice daily also helps to prevent stretch marks. Make sure to use lotions, oils, creams, and gels that have all the essential vitamins and enzymes that promote the production off elastin and collagen.

Engaging in low-impact aerobic exercises is also highly recommended, so is sleeping the recommended number of hours each day. These activities not only prepare you well for the big day, but they also improve the health of your skin, thereby helping to prevent stretch marks.

When choosing a certain skin care product or activity to prevent stretch marks, see to it that they have the seal of approval of your attending physician. This should give you the confidence that you are not endangering the life of your baby anyhow.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Diet and Weight Loss Tips for Getting Easy and Fast Pregnancy

It is rightly said that all is well that ends well. If you desire to have your pregnancy easy and fast, it is necessary that you pay adequate attention to your diet and weight loss endeavors. Healthy diets are always crucial for healthy pregnancy. Nutrition is essential for the mother as well as for the child since both of them require the nourishments.

When you are pregnant you must always remember that you are responsible for the well being of not one but two lives. One is your own and the other is that of the yet to be born child. At the same time it is also essential to remember that the requirements of energy will vary from individual to individual. Pregnancy is delicate and complicated factor. It is not a free-for-all and as you like it issue.

Normally the pregnant woman should increase the daily intake by 100 calories during the first trimester. Gradually the amount should be enhanced to around 300 calories during the second and third trimester. Some extra fruit, milk or yogurt or even a few additional biscuits could be enough to perform the trick. And you can all the time consider taking some prenatal multivitamin supplement during your pregnancy period that will keep you hale and hearty.

A very harmful habit among the new moms is letting themselves go. Such moms never try to curb their cravings. They also stop all exercising and make their pregnancy a lame excuse for eating more and more. The habits unfortunately do not help a healthy or fast pregnancy. Big belly, nauseous feelings, and aches and pains can be no excuse for resting all day along and eating whatever comes your way. Not only you will be gaining weight but also your pregnancy may be in real danger.

These are exactly the reasons why many pregnant woman gain weight in comparison to others. Despite their struggle to shed the extra pounds they accumulated during the pregnancy, many fail miserably making their life tedious and miserable on turn. In result many of them turn to dangerously restrictive diet putting not only their own but also their child’s well being into huge risks. As much you crave to get back your pre-pregnancy body, you fail to have it and in result no more feel sexy or attractive. Thus avoiding gaining weights at all the wrong places of your anatomy is not only detrimental to your remaining healthy but also to your getting fast and healthy pregnancy.

How to Chart Ovulation When You Want To Get Pregnant

When you want to get pregnant cervical fluid is one of the best fertility signs you will look for. They are produced at the cervix during the cycle. If you are able to examine the fluid clearly, you will be able to exactly assess at what point you are in the circle. Question for you would be how to examine it. One of the best ways to examine it is sweeping toile papers or even the fingers across the private parts. Conversely you can insert a couple of fingers inside it and draw it from the cervix itself. Just for the sake of proper hygiene, wash your hands thoroughly before and after the action you take. Also make sure that your nails are trimmed adequately so that there is no scratch and consequential bleeding.

Next step for you is to take the fluid in your fingers and check its consistencies. Normally during the first part of your cycle the uterine lining is shed. It might mask the cervical fluid and make it very difficult determining the fertility of the fluid. Contrary to the popular belief women could be fertile during menstruation though the phenomenon is a rarity. There are instances when the woman has conceived during the cycle. The day is to be counted with the first day of actual bleeding as the first day of menstruation cycle.

When the menstrual bleeding stops the cervix dries up gradually. When it proximate the ovulation period the cervical fluid becomes creamy as well as white. It becomes like lotion for some days in the process and could be sticky as well. Gradually however the fluid gets wet and stretchy as well and at the same time becomes clearer. This particular cervical fluid is considered to be most fertile as it looks like white egg fluid. When you experience the stretchy and clear fluid, it is the best time to go for the intercourse. Normally women continue to have this fluid for a couple of days only and then ovulate. And if you find blood in the clear and stretchy fluid you should understand that it is the sign of fertility. Do not be bothered about the spotting since it is the sign of sudden drop of estrogen just before release of the egg.

Cervical fluid becomes dry and creamy after ovulation due to the progesterone warming the body up. When the body starts getting ready for the next menstrual cycle, the fluid starts becoming wet all over again. The fluid then is almost a replica of the egg white fluid. However if the women concerned is pregnant the cervical fluid could become creamy and even yellow in color. Normally the women that are pregnant will produce a good deal of cervical fluid. However the presence or absence of the fluid does not determine the pregnancy.

Best Time to Conceive a Baby

A very pertinent question for those couples who are trying to get their baby is whether there is any best time to conceive the baby. Normally in the typical woman’s cycle, the window of opportunities for conception during each month is extremely narrow. There are thousands of women who have conceived without ever trying or even their knowing when or how they conceived. However those who are trying and not getting conceived, knowing the anatomy better would be educative and beneficial. A part of such education is learning the best time to conceive.

In each cycle during ovulation an egg is released. Such things happen only once in a cycle. Of course there are a few exceptions and instances have come to the notice of the scientists where a second egg has been released within 24 hours of the first one. The longevity of the egg is hardly 12-24 hours. Therefore the window of opportunity for pregnancy is very narrow. If you can time your intercourse appropriately there is no reason why one would not conceive easily. Requirement is to make sure that sperm is present when egg is released from the ovary. The woman thus has only 12-24 hours in a month to get sure pregnancy.

Therefore it is extremely important that you choose the time for your intercourse accordingly. However the sperm lives well for five days if the cervical fluid is good and fertile. This increases the window opportunity. Hence you cannot solely rely on the fertility of the cervical fluid. You should better chart the ovulation to exactly assess the time of its occurrence. In the process you can chart the basal body temperature besides the cervical fluids and its position. It will be easier for you to exactly pin point the best time to conceive.

Frequency of intercourse that you should have depends largely upon a few factors. If the male partner carries normal sperm counts, intercourse every day won’t be bad. If the sperm count with him is lower then intercourse every alternative day would be the better course for you. At least when you exactly know when ovulation might occur, it is better to have intercourse three days prior to ovulation and continue at least one to three days after the period. The best course would be having intercourse three days prior to ovulation and three days after it including the day of ovulation itself, a total period of seven days.

Best time to conceive will depend on the actual ovulation date. You can find out by charting or using the ovulation kit. You have to find out the near perfect date and have your intercourses since that is the best time to conceive.

Dos and Don’ts during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is normally an unexplored territory for the first time mothers. It is quite natural that they get advice from familiar quarters that comprises of elders and others like their regular physicians. At the same time advices also come from the unfamiliar quarters like those who are neighbors or little known people and they wish to help you out of their experiences. In addition you will also come across tons of advices on the nets, in medical and health journals and magazines and books. Local Government mostly takes the pains of publishing leaflets, pamphlets, reading materials and hoardings to circulate education on dos and don’ts during pregnancy.

Not all the advices are helpful. Some of them are pure ridiculous while others are applicable. A few of them are really good advices that would help you get safe and painless delivery and keep you healthy during pregnancy as well as in the post natal period. Of course there are certain common activities that should not be undertaken during the pregnancy and some others that must be performed. Remember that during pregnancy you have the responsibility of maintaining not only your own health but also the health of your unborn child. Working at pregnancy period could be a real challenge. However if you follow a few principles it will prevent morning sickness, fatigue as well as other pregnancy discomforts in the day. Usually it is the morning sickness but pregnancy nausea could hit you at any point of time in the day.

You can ease your nausea and vomiting tendencies with the following steps.

• It is required to get sufficient sleep. With sleeplessness comes a number of side affects that could be harmful for you and your child.
• Drinking plenty of water and other fluids is vital during the pregnancy. It does not mean that you will go for the bottled cold drinks. However water and fruit juice would be the best beverages for you during the period.
• Avoid alcohol and smoking as far as practicable.
• Take snacks in short frequencies. Whenever you feel nausea, you could do it away with a few snacks.
• Avoid nausea triggers. This means you should avoid taking food or beverages that create such feeling or smell something that will trigger the nausea.
• Be a little slower in starting your works and also performing them during the morning. You can pace up and get back your rhythm as the day progresses.

Similarly, for fighting out fatigue during pregnancy you can use the following methods.

• Do not overstretch yourself. Take frequent short breaks during work.
• Take a little rest in the dark switching off the lights whenever possible.
• Restructure your working schedule to reduce energy sapping.
• Cut down the outside activities that makes you tiered.
• Keep up your exercise routine and don’t stop workouts.
• Combine healthy diets with reasonable workouts.

Follow the above few principles and remain healthy during pregnancy and also help your unborn child remain healthy.

How to Conceive a Baby Girl ?

Whether they admit it or not most of the couples have preference for a particular gender in giving birth to the child. Some prefer a baby boy while others prefer a baby girl. Human right exponents often raise the question whether it is right to have a preference. The fact remains that it is all a matter of emotional state and people will have the preferences irrespective of the time, location, and their past histories. That is why we find that around 80% of the people have a preference for one gender or other. 84% of the prospective parents have their ultrasound checking conducted to know the gender of the baby. Good thing about these tests is that it diminishes the extent of regret when the child born is not one from the preferred gender.

Normally women prefer daughters while men prefer to have sons. However the trend is not universal. There are women who prefer sons and men who prefer to have daughters as well. Again the couples who are already blessed with a child of one gender prefer their second child to be of the other gender. When you have a boy you crave for a girl and vice versa. This also makes the family really balanced in terms of gender.

How is the sex of the unborn babies determined? Popular myth is that women determine the sex of her child. You should learn the truth that is contrary to such belief. Every woman has eggs containing X chromosomes. When the sperm that fertilizes one of those eggs contain another X chromosome you will get a baby girl in result. On the other hand when the sperm that fertilizes the eggs contain Y chromosome, the result will be a baby boy.

During ejaculation by a man around 200-400 million sperms are released inside the vagina of the woman. Some of the sperms carry X and others carry Y chromosome. The egg can be fertilized by one single sperm. Theories relating to conceiving a girl are ordinarily based on the belief that the couple might be able to create an environment where the X chromosome gets an advantageous position and give birth to a girl baby. Like in case of trying for a baby boy you can use the Shettles method to get a baby girl. In this method the gender selection requires that a girl should have sex every day from the day when the period ends till at least up to three days before ovulation.

And whatever method you use, it is always better to have the doctor’s advice before indulging into any attempt to conceive a baby girl.

How to Conceive a Baby Boy ?

There are two types of expectant couples in the world. One of the types is those who relish the idea of not knowing whether they are going to have a baby boy or girl. The other and perhaps the larger type is those who wish to know exactly what they are going to have. Unfortunately for most of them the determination of sex in the womb is prohibited by law in most of the countries today. The laws are the results of growing incidence of women feticide all over the world especially in the underdeveloped countries.

Moreover, many people also prefer to have particularly the boy or girl child. Therefore it is not uncommon for the couples dreaming about a baby that belongs to a specific gender. Many parents consider the son as the greatest gift of the god. Good news for you is that you do not have to depend on the bounties of nature to have a baby boy. There are quite a few methods following which you have the chances of conceiving a baby boy. These methods could work for you well.

One of the most interesting methods of conceiving a baby boy is the timing. If you have intercourse as close to the ovulation as possible your chances of having a baby boy would be multiplied many times. This brings up the issue of tracking the ovulation and planning for pregnancy accordingly. Best time to try this is within 24 hours of ovulating. Though it could be a trifle tricky proposition but if you can track the ovulation properly, the method might just work for you.

Consuming certain foods could also be helpful for your purpose. For instance you could consume more of red meat and drink more cola for pregnancy. Both the prospective mom and dad should try this method. The food creates the perfect environment for conceiving a baby boy. However, this method is yet to be established as real scientifically. Another widely used method is drinking coffee for the prospective father. Caffeine has the capability to stimulate the Y chromosome and makes the component highly active. And the method could prove helpful for your purposes.

Last but not least is the Shettles Method. Millions of couples have turned to this method for conceiving a baby boy. Many of them have been blessed and success rate of the method is a staggering 75%. Research scholars have claimed 90% success in certain cases. The only requirement is to follow meticulously the guidelines provided in it. The concept of the method is that Y chromosome bearing the male sperm though smaller move faster in compared to larger X chromosome bearing female sperm.

Some Useful Tips on Diet & Exercise for Pregnant Women

It is absolutely essential that you remain fit, hale and hearty during your pregnancy. Good mixture of healthy diet and easy workouts could work wonder for your health and during pregnancy. You will not accumulate the usual fat that is the syndrome effecting most pregnant woman and will not lose your attractive body structure despite pregnancy. However do not forget to consult your physician or health care provider who is acquainted with your anatomic systems and who can give you the correct advice on the workouts to be made safely before, after or during pregnancy.

Some of the stretching exercises do very well during your pregnancy. It makes the muscles limber as well as warm and the conditions are very helpful during pregnancy. For instance you can take up neck or shoulder rotation as your workout. Slowly rotating your shoulder or neck will relax you quite a bit and it will relax the muscles in your body. Rotations should be slow and made in all directions. Just four or five rotations daily for your neck or shoulder would be ideal workout for you.

One of the most effective and good exercise is swimming. You can place your arms at the sides and take up the swimming with crawl strokes, one arm at a time and perform ten times. Thigh shift by putting your weight alternatively on each of your thighs, leg shaking, and ankle rotations will be the exercises that you can perform during your pregnancy which will give you good health so essential for the well being of the pregnant mother and the unborn child.

Conversely you could also take up Kegel exercises during your pregnancy. They help strengthening the muscles and at the same time support the bladder, uterus as well as the bowels. Your ability for relaxation as well as controlling the muscles preparing the labor as well as birth will be enhanced considerably with these exercises. These are exercises that are also usually recommended by doctors for the postpartum period. The objectives are promoting the healings of tissues as well as enhancing the pelvic muscle strength. With the exercises the pregnant woman can return to healthy state and they immensely help the urinal controls as well. One important restriction while performing the Kegel exercises is not moving your leg, buttock or the abdominal muscles. On the other hand the exercises are such that you can perform anywhere.

In any case a judicious combination of healthy diet and simple yet effective workouts can work wonders for the health of pregnant mother and well being of the unborn child.

7- Easy Tactics for a Couple to Get Fast and Safe Pregnancy

Any couple that is desirous of getting fast and safe pregnancy should clearly appreciate what is potentially safe for them. For instance the natural conception that is potentially safe for the couples having mixed status has changed with the new inventions of medical science. Scientists after prolonged research and analysis has arrived at the conclusion that if among the heterosexual couples one has HIV positive and another HIV negative, it could be safe to conceive.

Of course the scientists have also advised certain precautions in this. Report that was published in the “Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes” pointed out that unprotected vaginal intercourse for pregnancy would be safe when one of the partners have HIV positive and the other negative, if the HIV positive partner is on prescription drugs and treatment and has undetectable viral load.

However for all the normal couples the following seven tips could be quite useful for getting fast and safe pregnancy –

1. Having regular sexual intercourses. The couple should have sexual intercourses at least thrice a week. The ovulation cycle is one of the most complex human physical happenings and consequentially is very difficult to predict correctly despite use of the ovulation calculator and other devices.

2. While calculating the ovulation period is important for you to get safe and fast pregnancy, charting may not be the best method of calculating it. Charting is not bad. You can track the cycles with them. It will also help you to decide whether you have taken the right decision at the right time and followed it with right action. However if it is the first cycle for trying to get pregnant or if there is no ovulation in a timely manner, the prediction kit would be better for you.

3. Your doctor is your best advisor in your attempts at the fast and safe pregnancy. Do not hesitate to contact your physician for advice, especially for deciding the best prenatal vitamins.

4. Avoiding smoking and alcohol as well as abuse drugs is essential when one is trying to get pregnant. They will not only affect your health adversely but also that of the unborn child.

5. It is good to have enjoyable sex. Remember that cohabitation is not routine matter and reproduction is not the only aim for having sex. In fact the sexual relationship is as much mental as it is physical. You will experience better orgasm if your sex is enjoyable.

6. Remember having sex in a position that the sperm remain within your vagina for longer than usual. It will enhance your chances of getting safe pregnancy.

7. Nothing called trying hard for pregnancy is there. If you do not get pregnant within one year of trying it would be better to meet the doctor.

What Are the Major Reasons for Getting Non Pregnancy?

Many couples suffer mental trauma as they are not able to have a child despite their will and efforts. The worst part of it is that they are not even able to fathom the reasons for such state of affairs. While there could be specific reasons in each such case as human anatomy is unique and requirements of every person vary from that of the other, there are certain common reasons that cause such infertilities in women or man.

There is a misconception among many that infertility is characteristic of women alone while the truth is something else. Infertility syndrome could affect both men and women alike. It could be the case that the women are quite fertile while the man does not possess the power to make her pregnant due to some hormonal or other deficiencies. Hence it is good to have tests carried on by experienced physicians on both the husband and wife to find out the reasons for non-pregnancy.

Normally the control of hormone in the menstrual cycle of a woman is one of the most complex tasks one could carry out. Some of the conditions that can cause fertility problems in women are ovulation problems, age, and anatomical problems, blocked fallopian tubes, or cervical disorders. There could be several other such reasons but these are the ones that has major impact in creating infertility in women. However, if you are facing any such problem there is no reason to lose heart since appropriate treatments are now available for most of them. Medical science has made huge strides during the last few decades and physical disorders that were beyond comprehension in the past has now become easy prey for the doctors.

More than 25% of the women suffering from fertility problems have the reasons in ovulation problems. The ovarian cycle is a very complex factor and slight changes in it could disrupt the entire cycle and the ovulation. Hormonal imbalances could be other major reasons for infertility. This could be caused either by hormone deficiencies in your body or due to untimely discharge of hormone. Weight is a major factor for pregnancy. Either extremely low or high weight is both averse to your getting fast and safe pregnancy. Age is also a factor though it is the most natural phenomenon. Mostly people above the age of 35 to 40 suffer infertility due to age. Finally, blocked fallopian tubes can also cause such problems. They are blocked by past infections due to pelvic diseases or abdominal surgery and even sexually transmitted diseases.

Of course the best advisor would be your doctor and whenever you face a problem of this kind does not forget meeting him or her.

Five Secrete Tips To Get Pregnant Fast

If you are concerned about getting pregnant fast it is necessary that you understand the basics of getting pregnant. A few tips can really help you in your endeavor. So here are five secrete tips following which could make you pregnant fast.

Of course you cannot expect to get pregnant by windfall. You require having sex. It would be good if you have sex at least three times a week. Undoubtedly having regular sex could be the best way of getting pregnant. Many couples across the globe try to time every process quite perfectly for ovulation. However most of the times they do not have sex thinking that they have not started ovulating. Of course it is true that sex that does not take place within the time of ovulation will normally not result in pregnancy. Women do not ovulate all the time. Therefore having sex at least thrice a week can help them not missing opportunities of getting pregnant.

It will therefore be necessary to chart your ovulation period and predict it properly. You can achieve this end by using some good ovulation prediction kits or fertility monitors. Ovulation kit should be used to predict the exact time of ovulating will immensely improve your chances of pregnancy. Most women find the methods highly complicated and confusing. Such complications and confusion can be avoided using the ovulation prediction kits. Conversely the women can also use the fertility monitors that are a worthwhile investment when one aims to get pregnant faster. These monitor kits are akin to the ovulation kits and discards scope of miscalculation in charting the ovulation periods.

Misconception among people is quite large scale about the sex after or before ovulation. You should make it a point to have sex before and not after ovulation. Only a small period is available to you for getting pregnant through sex. After ovulation the egg will normally survive around 24 hours only. Hence having sex around two or three days prior to ovulation can increase your chances of becoming pregnant quite considerably. So have your sex and enjoy it and do not wait for the day of ovulation.

It will not be proper to rely on the calendar method for predicting ovulation. Assumptions that you will have a regular 28 day cycle and will ovulate mid-cycle is a misnomer. Of course this could be better than just picking up any day for sex. Yet it is far from being accurate. Since ovulation prediction kits take into account the bbt charts or body cues of the previous months, they are far more accurate in comparison.

Last but not the least; you should remember that your doctor is your best friend, philosopher, and guide in such cases. So visiting the doctor before you are trying to get pregnant could solve a host of your problems.