Pregnancy Miracle-At Age-43

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Useful Tips To Know More About Your Morning Sickness .

Morning sickness starts to be at work on the fourth up to the sixth week of pregnancy. That is the time when a woman starts to suffer from nausea and vomiting. The said symptoms affect the majority of expectant mothers although the intensity may not be the same. In some cases, a woman may suffer severe vomiting during the first 3 months of pregnancy.

Aside from taking the right nutrition and having plenty of rest, there are other simple things that you can do to avoid experiencing these symptoms. One would be eating some crackers upon waking up. You should do this before you get up from bed. This will ward off or at least lessen the probable occurrence of nausea. Therefore, keep some crackers near your bed so you can easily reach them when you wake up in the morning. You might need to do this consistently as morning sickness can last up to the third month of pregnancy. In some cases, the occurrence can be longer than supposed. Sometimes, symptoms will re-occur during the last stages of pregnancy.

Walking is not just a good exercise. If you will do this every morning, the symptoms of morning sickness will reduce.

When the third month of pregnancy was reached, women are advised to lessen their food intake. They should observe healthy eating habits so that their stomachs will not expand too much. Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy occurs because the size of the uterus increases. When its size increases, the stomach will be pressured, as it occupies a huge space inside the abdomen.

Take note as well that there are cases where in morning sickness will occur 3 times in a day. When this happens, the pregnant woman is likely to become dehydrated; therefore, she should take in at least 10 pints of water everyday.

5-Secrete Ways To Avoid Your Morning Sickness

Morning sickness in pregnant women is associated with nausea and vomiting. The term however is a misnomer because an expectant mother can feel it all day long; however, the pits of it can be felt in the morning. It can strike anytime although the intensity can vary. Some only suffer from nausea while some suffer from both nausea and vomiting. The symptoms are at peak on the first 3 months of pregnancy. There are some women though who testified that these indications can persist continually all throughout the period of pregnancy.

Morning sickness happens for a reason. There are also probable solutions to it. You can take some herbal remedies; however, it is best to consult your physician first so that you will be advised on which is safe for you and which is not.

Pineapple is rich in bromelin and enzyme. You can eat a slice of it after every meal to aid your digestion and ease out the symptoms of nausea.

Ginger is another natural remedy that offers relief from morning sickness. You can blend its juice in teas. Not only will it help you in easing nausea, it can also help you avoid diarrhea, stomach upset, pains, indigestion and so on. Massaging its juice on your stomach and abdomen will also help in treating gas pain and other related symptoms.

Peppermint works almost the same way as ginger. It also offers relief from indigestion and nausea. Other than those, it also helps in treating depressed appetite.

With its richness in potassium, bananas will not only make you feel full, it will also help you avoid morning sickness because it aids in maintaining your blood sugar level.

Other fruits that you can take in are red raspberries and fennels. Do not forget to take multi-vitamins and minerals. It will serve you best if you will choose supplements that contain antioxidants. You should also make sure that you get plenty of rest; moreover, do not skip your prenatal check-ups.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Three Earliest Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms

It is often very difficult to tell if you are pregnant or not because the presenting signs and symptoms can be easily mistaken for some other health disorders. Nonetheless, it helps to have a good understanding of what these earliest pregnancy signs and symptoms are so that in the event that you get to experience one or more of these, you can take the necessary steps to verify if, indeed, you are pregnant.

One of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy is breast tenderness. Your breasts may feel full and tender as a result of hormonal changes occurring with pregnancy. Breast tenderness may also be felt when you are about to have your menstrual period, that is why this symptom is often overlooked.

Feelings of tiredness and fatigue are common when you are pregnant. You may find it hard to get out of bed, and even doing your usual activities may seem like such a burden to you. Dizziness, bouts of nausea and vomiting, mood changes, constipation, heartburn, lower back pain, and increased urination have also been reported by pregnant women.

If these signs and symptoms are accompanied by a missed period, there’s a strong likelihood that you are pregnant. However, you cannot be too presumptuous. The best thing to do at this point is to buy a home pregnancy kit to find out for sure, and then do the home pregnancy test twice. If the result is positive every time, consult with a doctor whom you trust. He may recommend that you undergo a blood test to confirm the diagnosis.

When it’s confirmed that you are pregnant, you must now start taking the necessary measures to ensure that you will have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. There are certain foods that you must avoid and foods that you need to take more of, so the sooner you recognize pregnancy symptoms, the better it will be for you and for your baby.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Fertility To Infertility - The Basic Reason Study For Your Infertility Problems .

While some people have no trouble conceiving at all, there are many couples from around the globe who find it difficult to have a baby. You may think that fate has a lot to do with it, but you must know that infertility problems can be due to a number of factors, which can be medical, biological or even environmental in nature.

If you and your partner are having difficulties conceiving, it is not because you are being cursed. Consider having the sperm count of your partner evaluated. A low sperm count can reduce your chances of conceiving because the sperm is necessary for the egg to be fertilized. Have your partner undergo tests to determine the presence of Variocele, too. Variocele is a condition wherein the sperm cells are abnormally shaped, being so they are not in a capacity to fertilize the egg.

Exposure to toxic chemicals and radiation, as well as taking too much alcohol and tobacco, also puts your male partner at risk for infertility problems. You see these toxins can be very potent, so much so that they can kill the sperm cells, and you know that without these sperm cells, there can be no conception.

Abnormalities in ovulation, cervical conditions and STDs may also predispose women to infertility problems.

Of course, you must not forget that age, too, is a very significant factor to consider. The more advanced in years you and your partner are, the bigger is the possibility that you will not be able to conceive anymore. The functions of the reproductive organs are significantly reduced with age, the reason why women in their 40s find it more difficult to conceive than women in their teens and early 20s.

You should not be ashamed to consult a specialist if you are having infertility problems because there are treatments available.

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Best Sex Position with Right Time To Conceive A Baby Girl - A Natural Treatment For The Couple .

All your life, you are longing to have a baby girl. Perhaps, you are wondering if it is possible to direct fate to give you your heart’s desire.

The truth may surprise you, but yes, you can manipulate the events of conception so that you will be able to give birth to a baby girl. First, though, you must understand that there Y chromosomes and there are X chromosomes. The Y chromosome is what produces baby boys, while the X chromosome is what produces baby girls.

If your goal is to produce a baby girl, then you must create an environment that will favor the X chromosome and not the Y chromosome. There are three ways you can achieve this; one is to increase the PH levels of your vagina. You see, high PH levels mean that your vagina is acidic and you must know that the Y chromosome cannot survive in an acidic environment, but the X chromosome can.

Also, attempting to conceive 2-3 days before ovulation favors the X chromosome because the Y chromosome weakens and loses its potency by the time ovulation begins. So if you make love 2 or 3 days prior to your ovulation, you increase your chances of conceiving a baby girl. However, it is very important that you determine when your ovulation begins because if you have sex on the very day it begins, you will likely conceive a boy instead.

Do you know that the position you assume during intercourse can also determine the sex of your baby? For instance, the sexual position that enables deep penetration often results to babies born male. Thus, if you are looking to have a baby girl, lay flat on the bed so the “boy sperm” will not easily reach the egg, decreasing the odds of having a baby boy.

The Best Time with Sexual Position To Conceive A Baby Boy - A Natural Treatment For The Couple.

For just about any woman, there’s nothing more beautiful than getting pregnant. Couples desperate to have a child are normally not very choosy when it comes to their baby’s gender. However, if you have a special preference for baby boys, there are certain tricks you can do in order to conceive one, and the best thing is that there are no expensive treatments involved.

It certainly is amazing when you think about it, but Indeed, whether you conceive a boy or a girl does not depend purely on fate. You may be surprised to know that you can control the conditions of conception so that you will be able to bear the child of your dreams.

If you want to give birth to a baby boy, you need to have sex with your partner exactly on the day of your ovulation. Timing is very important; doing it 2 or 3 days before the first day of ovulation cannot guarantee that you will bear a baby boy. Why; because the Y chromosome that produces a boy runs so fast but is not very strong, so there’s a good chance that it’s not going to survive the next day or two days until ovulation.

Also, when you have sex with your partner, place a pillow under your hips or place your legs over the shoulders of your partner. This position allows deep penetration and favors the Y chromosome, thereby increasing your chances of conceiving a baby boy.

Finally, remember that the Y chromosome cannot survive in an acidic environment, that is why if you want your child to be male, you must make sure that your vagina is not acidic. If you are highly acidic, you may want to try douching your vagina with acid-reducing solutions. Eating alkaline foods may also help lower the PH levels of your vagina.

So there you have it, the natural ways to conceive a baby boy.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What Are The Symptoms Of Infertility For Male and Female And Best Time To Get Pregnant

There is a great mystery surrounding conception. Some couples find it easy to conceive, while others don’t. There are many possible reasons why infertility problems occur, so before you start blaming each other, read through the rest of this article which aims to help you understand the nature of infertility.

To begin with, infertility is a condition in which couples are not able to conceive. It should not spell the end of the world, though, because there are treatments available. It is very important however to acknowledge that the problem exists.

Infertility can be a consequence of irregularities in a woman’s menstrual period. Normally, the menstrual cycle occurs every 28 days, but for some women, it can take months before the next cycle begins again. Irregular menstrual periods may mean that there is something wrong with the woman’s reproductive organs. Pain around the pelvic area felt during menstrual period also increases one’s chance of not getting pregnant.

A low sperm count can also lead to infertility problems. Sperm cells as you must know are needed to fertilize the egg. That is why it is very important to have your partner’s semen evaluated, too, if you are having difficulty conceiving.

As you can see, you cannot get pregnant simply by engaging in sex more often than usual. Timing is essential in overcoming infertility problems. It does not matter if you have sex three times a day or more; that will not guarantee that you will conceive sooner or later. What’s important is that you do it at the right time, and the best time is one or two days before your ovulation. It’s also wise to allow your partner to replenish his sperm count, so if you want to attempt to get pregnant, do it after two or three days following your last intercourse.

What Are The Natural Solutions To Overcome Infertility Problems

Bearing a healthy baby is, perhaps, every couple’s dream. Unfortunately, not all couples are blessed with a child. Many of them have to deal with infertility problems, making conceiving a child such a difficult task.

There are solutions to infertility issues. However, if you approach a medical specialist, most likely you will be advised to undergo expensive treatments. Besides being costly, these treatments can be very risky, too.

Actually, going under the knife isn’t the only means to overcome infertility problems. There are more natural methods that can assist you in bearing the child of your dreams. It doesn’t matter if you are beyond 40, or are experiencing tubal obstructions, ovarian cyst, uterine fibroids or endometriosis, you can still get pregnant by eating right, doing exercises and yoga, and by meditating. For sure, these solutions aren’t anything you haven’t heard of before, but quite certainly you haven’t thought that any of these are steps leading to conception.

Another natural way of overcoming infertility is avoiding unhealthy habits like drinking alcohol, and stress. Couples who work too much and are often exposed to a number of stressors everyday find it so difficult to conceive. Indeed, stress can freak the sperm and the egg cells out, so be as relaxed as possible when having sex with your partner. Make your intercourse a relaxing activity, not hurriedly done. Some people have to take a leave of absence from work just to try to get pregnant. Timing is very important, as you can see.

In case none of these natural methods work, your next option is to go for holistic methods, like acupuncture, maybe.

It’s really possible to overcome infertility. If you are showing signs and symptoms of infertility, do not deny the problem. Acknowledge it and start taking steps to resolve the issues.

3-Secrete Tips To Loose The Pregnancy Fat

It is true that nothing can be more beautiful than giving birth to your own child. Holding him in your arms, feeling his every breath is worth more than all the money in the world. Yet, in the midst of the joy and jubilation, there is a growing concern with pregnancy fat.

Indeed, you cannot simply pretend that the extra bulges here and there do not exist. Nor can you deny that these make you feel unattractive and uncomfortable, to say the least. You are anxious because you don’t think it is possible to lose weight now that you have more responsibilities to take care of. This way of thinking is so far away from the truth.

Losing weight, including all those pregnancy fat, is not as difficult as it appears to be. The tips are so practical you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to get your pre-pregnancy figure back. Remember, though, that while the tips are fairly easy to do, you cannot expect to experience visible results overnight. Patience is a virtue that is very rewarding as you will see.

To begin your weight loss journey, first you have to breastfeed your baby. Breastfeeding naturally speeds up your metabolism, thus helping you to lose weight faster.

Next, drink no less than 64 ounces of water everyday. Not only does this ultimately speed up metabolism, it also makes you feel more energized, and gives you healthy glowing skin. Moreover, consuming more water means that you will have to be going back and forth to the restroom, and that is one form of exercise already!

It’s also important to embark on a diet that’s rich in proteins, and fiber which is an essential aid to digestion. Eating lean chicken, fish, legumes can burn two times as many calories.

Lastly, always maintain a positive outlook. In a study published by the Columbia School of Public Health, women who have poor body image were found to have encountered more difficulties losing pregnancy fat.

Beginning The Journey With Losing Your Pregnancy Fat

It’s normal for women to gain weight during pregnancy. However, keeping the extra pounds off when you have already given birth becomes quite challenging. You may think that you have to invest a lot of time to exercise, and you are worried that with your new bundle of joy, you are not going to have much of it to spare.

Certainly, you are not going to lose weight by just sitting down. You have to get started somehow, and there’s no better time to do it than now. Yes, now, not a day or two later, but now. Don’t play with time; the longer you put things off, the harder they become. In like manner, the sooner you take steps to lose weight, the easier it is going to be for you to lose weight.

Indeed, you cannot imagine how easy everything becomes once you have taken the first steps of your journey to weight loss. It’s like writing an essay; beginning the first paragraph is always the most difficult, and often the most important part, but as soon as you have written down a few sentences, the words just flow out naturally. Without you realizing it, you are already 7 paragraphs deep.

Every journey begins with a step; you cannot go anywhere without it. So begin yours by saying out loud that you want to lose pregnancy fat now. Saying out loud makes you more able to stick with your resolution. Also, don’t just keep it to yourself. Tell your partner, the members of your family, and your friends of your resolution so that they can help motivate you when the going gets tough.

The moment you have said to yourself and your loved ones that you want to keep the pregnancy fat out of your system, there’s absolutely no turning back now.

What Are The Early Pregnancy Symptoms - The First 5 Signs of Pregnancy

If you are trying to conceive a child, it is important for you to recognize the early signs of pregnancy. The sooner you know that you are pregnant, the better you will be able to make the necessary preparations and take precautionary measures.

Usually, you’ll be able to take notice of the first signs of pregnancy after 7-10 days following conception. Take particular attention of your bathroom habits. For instance, if you notice your urge to urinate becoming more intense and frequent than usual, suspect a growing fetus in your womb. Urination that is both frequent and intense is often the first indication that you may be pregnant.

Light spotting may also be experienced early on. Spotting is not alarming if the color is pink or light brown and if it appears during the early days of pregnancy. However, if the color turns dark red or black and occurs somewhere between the second and third trimester, that kind of spotting is no longer normal and should be reported to your attending physician at once.

Some women claim of nausea and cramping during the early stages of pregnancy. These can be due to other conditions, of course, but they often present with pregnancy, so you need to watch out for these eventualities, too.

There may also be feelings of fatigue or tiredness. You may feel weak with no drive or energy to do your usual daily tasks.

Then of course, the most obvious and often the telltale sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstrual period.

If you experience any of these signs at all, go and buy yourself a home pregnancy kit to make sure. Sometimes, though, the kit may not provide reliable data, so do the test again. Generally, the rule of thumb is that if you present with more than one pregnancy symptom, there’s a strong likelihood that you may, indeed, be pregnant.

Nausea, Dizziness, and Food Cravings – Understanding The Early Symptoms of Pregnancy

While pregnancy may always be an anticipated event, you must know that the journey all throughout can be rather uncomfortable, if not painful. Pregnant women experience many changes during pregnancy and such can result to the development of many discomforts or pregnancy symptoms.

Early pregnancy symptoms may not be the same for every pregnant woman, but most women complain of nausea and vomiting, dizziness or fainting, and food cravings during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Nausea and vomiting usually occurs during the first week following conception. You may feel like vomiting early in the morning when your stomach is empty or at midday after taking in food or drinking coffee. Normally, this symptom disappears at the onset of the second semester of pregnancy. Nonetheless, since it can cause you much discomfort, you may prevent this by eating small but frequent meals. Milk or saltine crackers are recommended in this case.

It’s also quite expected to feel dizzy (sometimes to the point of fainting) during the early stages of your pregnancy. The reason for this is the drop in your blood pressure levels due to the growing uterus. Abruptly standing up, sitting for more than 15 minutes, and going upstairs are conditions that may make you feel dizzy. Not eating well enough can cause dizziness spells, too. That is why it is highly recommended for pregnant women to eat healthy snacks during the day. Working moms can make it a habit to bring healthy foods such as raisins, cheese and crackers, carrot and celery sticks, granola bars, and fruit slices like grapes, bananas, and apples.

Food cravings are also quite common during the 1st trimester. Even the pregnant woman herself may be surprised to have sudden cravings of foods she never gave much thought of before. Sometimes, the cravings may not be what you would ever expect, such as warm apple pie topped with vanilla ice cream. Some women, instead of having food cravings, experience aversions to food. The mere smell of a particular food can make them feel nauseated.

These early pregnancy symptoms are only temporary; being so, they should start to disappear after some time.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Simple Gender Determination Trick To Find It's a Baby Girl .

It’s your first baby and you have already decided that you want a baby girl because you want the baby to be just like you. She’ll play with Barbie dolls; have long hair tied with a bow just like you when you were young. But how do you know it is a baby girl? The traditional methods to predict that it is a baby girl is by hanging a needle with the help of a thread above your belly, and if it moves from one side to the other it means you are expecting a baby girl. Most of the times the predictions were right.

Times have changed. We no more believe in the traditional methods. So if you want to know some of the scientific tips suggested by experts to predict the gender of the baby sitting at home, here are some of them.

For example, if you are carrying extra weight around your hips and bottom, hair on your legs is not growing faster during your pregnancy, if your feet are not colder than they were before pregnancy, father-to-be doesn’t seem to gain weight along with mother-to-be, if don’t have morning sickness etc then there are chances of you carrying a baby girl. Some of the other symptoms are that you may not look good during your pregnancy if you are carrying a baby girl as girls take away the mother’s beauty, chest development is not too dramatic, urine is dull in color, you crave more for sweet food or fruits, the shape of your nose has not changed, you love to have orange juice again and again, heart beat of the baby is 140 beats and above per minute, etc. are some of the symptoms which show the chances of you carrying a baby girl.

Easiest Gender Determination Method To Find It Is A Baby Boy.

So this is your first baby and you already started dreaming that you want a baby boy, how is he going to be? Which color do we use to paint his room? What kind of toys will he like? Will he like playing with a teady bear or a toy car? These kinds of questions always rise in the minds of the parents when they are expecting a baby. But how do you know it is a baby boy? Earlier, some traditional methods were used to find out the gender of the baby. For example, by hanging a needle with help of a thread above your belly. If the needle moves in circular motion, it’s a boy. Believe it or not these methods mostly gave the right predictions. But if you really want to know some scientific methods suggested by some medical experts that can help you predict the gender, here are some symptoms that can show the chances of you carrying a baby boy.

For example, if you are carrying extra weight out front, if hair on your legs is growing faster during pregnancy, your feet are colder than they were before pregnancy, if the father-to-be and mother-to-be are gaining weight together, you are looking particularly good during your pregnancy, if your chest development is less dramatic, if urine color is too bright, you are craving for more of salty or sour stuff, then there are chances of you having a baby boy.

There are few more symptoms as well. For example, If you are craving for meats or cheese, if the baby’s heart beat rate is less than 140 beats per minute, and if you have frequent headaches and if you dislike orange juice during your pregnancy, then there are chances of you carrying a baby boy.

Aren’t these tips really simple to guess the gender of the baby? Try them!